Street Art

Monday Update. . . .

Mighty Mo’s Monkey is cropping up in an amazing array of places….well actually not that amazing as they are nearly always on top of a train bridge, but placement and execution are second to none, all done with a roller and a very long pole.

Parked my car IN FRONT of this billboard a few weeks ago, the wonders of Flcikr made me realise this was on the other side of it! A big fave for me of this style from the Burning Candy boys.

Eine Continuing to be bloody amazing, wonder if this will become a “wall” font?

Random weirdness in the shape of a photo with an astronaut called Ozzie and the text “To Donna, Love Bob”. First one I found was left in situ for others to get a giggle from, then I found more and took one. Has the address on it, which when visited prompts you to enter a unique code on the back of the photograph, asking for it to then be sent back to them with a promise of being contacted shortly.

I’ll report back soon, if I’m still alive that is. . . . .

JR getting up at Truman Brewery, looking forward to seeing more of this at the Tate very soon.

And a half finished (or is it, I can never really tell with Conor) Harrington piece in progress on the entrance to the Truman Brewery, Brick Lane.

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