Aida Benjamin Murphy Broken Fingaz DALeast Dede Faith47 Kid Acne Malabrocca Neoh Roa Shuby Space Invader The London Police Yola

Hit Shot Walls May 2013

All photos: NoLionsInEngland May was a busy month for street artists and photographers of street art. London has been blessed by visits from a plethora of overseas street art stars, let’s start with a few shots of work by an artist new to us, Dede who is reported to come from Israel. Dede’s paste ups […]

Space Invader

Space Invader Chequered Past

all photos: NoLionsInEngland Three or four years ago, I can’t recall precisely when, I spotted an Invader mosaic piece from a taxi as we swept through one of the higher back streets of Monaco. I didn’t have a camera on me and there was little sense in going back. On subsequent trips I brought a […]

Aryz Fauxreel Grafter Mantis Mode 2 Paul Insect Probs Sickboy Space Invader Tizer vhils Word to Mother

Is Street Art Dead?

all photos: NoLionsInEngland I come to praise street art not to bury it. If that gives away my answer to my own question fear not, for purpose of dramatic suspense the best is still saved till last. There are a myriad variety of ways I can cycle across London from home in the West to […]