Aida Benjamin Murphy Broken Fingaz DALeast Dede Faith47 Kid Acne Malabrocca Neoh Roa Shuby Space Invader The London Police Yola

Hit Shot Walls May 2013

All photos: NoLionsInEngland May was a busy month for street artists and photographers of street art. London has been blessed by visits from a plethora of overseas street art stars, let’s start with a few shots of work by an artist new to us, Dede who is reported to come from Israel. Dede’s paste ups […]

Bortusk Leer Eefos Shuby

The Eefos of Bortusk

Viola Gallery 1a Turville St 21 Feb 2008 First, a short summary of recent street art history as background to tonight’s show. Several months ago a flutter occurred literally on the streets of London when a flock of pigeons appeared on the walls of Hoxton and Shoreditch. Thinkfly took the whole fluorescent pigeon with eyes […]