All photos: DaveStuart (NoLionsInEngland) About 3 weeks ago in Kings Cross I thought I saw a ghost, my eyes seemed to be playing tricks. A old, long departed friend, a Union flag Space Invader which had disappeared a few years ago had magically reappeared. Rule Britney, sorry – Britannia Subsequently I read a blog post […]
Category: Street Art
No, I’m Banksy (The Bandwaggon Post)
Photos: Dave Stuart aka NoLionsInEngland (except where pretty obvious) Yesterday morning I read a rather unexciting blog post by my friend RJ on Vandalog saying he doesn’t need or want to know who Banksy is, I’m with RJ on that one and its how most of us feel, its just a bit unexciting really. RJ […]
Banksy is Miserable over Calais Jungle
Photos: Dave Stuart aka NoLionsInEngland except where stated News involving refugees is a daily staple, police using CS gas makes disturbingly frequent headlines, a new Banksy appearing in Central London, that IS hold-the-front-page news! Banksy has appropriated and modified the image of Cosette, victim/heroine in les Miserables originally drawn by Émile Bayard to illustrate the […]
Meeting Of Styles UK 2015
Shoreditch, London 10 – 12 July 2015 all photos: NoLionsInEngland Meeting Of Styles returned to Shoreditch last week for the second Summer on the trot. Over a 2 day period spraycan graffiti writers and street artists from Brazil to Russia via Spain and UK threw a wild ribbon of colour around Shoreditch. Ekto & friends […]
Dr d., London’s top political malcontent street artist is on a roll and has been out again, this time taking over pavement advertising sites. The new version of HMP London (HMP: Her Majesty’s Prison] open prison advises us that innocent or guilty, we are all now being spied on. Highlighting the pernicious erosion of freedoms […]
all photos: NoLionsInEngland (with anonymous passerby help gratefully received where noted!) Dr D is a perhaps the perfect street artist. His paste up works are epic in scale and they commandeer outdoor channels generally exploited for advertising or control, if they can advertise there, Dr D will hijack it. His guerrilla advertising talkeovers inject political […]
All photos NoLionsInEngland except Jef Aerosol where stated On Weds 7th January, two masked men claiming to belong to Al Qiada armed with Kalashnikov rifles burst into the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris and embarked on a killing orgy that saw 12 killed in the that building including editor Stephane Charbonnier and cartoonists […]
All photos: NoLionsInEngland We’ve done our 2014 review ,twice, already but we just fancy signing off 2014 doing our favourite things..taking photos and spouting shite. All these photos were taken mid afternoon on New Years Eve and we believe the art to have been put up in the preceding 24 hours. Donk had an epic […]
Louis Masai ThisIsNow Mural Project
All Art: by Louis Masai locations: Shoreditch, Camden, Brixton All photographs: NoLionsInEngland You wait all year for conscience driven awareness raising street art campaigns then two come along at once. A couple of weeks ago, not long after Graffoto wrote about Dan Witz’s Empty The Cages project, Louis Masai was spied on the streets of […]
Dan Witz – Empty The Cages
Photos: NoLionsinEngland except where stated There are few joys greater than the unexpected discovery of a stunning piece of street art. Finding something with beauty and meaning and which you were totally unaware of gives a buzz very little else can match. While cycling along my well worn route into Shoreditch recently something caught my […]
INSA – “The Cycle Of Futility”
All photos NoLionsInEngland except where stated (Update: see new news on NO AD in footnote at bottom) Street artist INSA has explored the far off boundaries of technology with his latest hi-tech work “The Cycle Of Futility” in Shoreditch. With most street art basically what you see is what you get, the image is the […]
Art Is Trash returns to London
Art Is Trash is back in town and installed this most unlikely tearful tribute to Robbo on a wall tastefully utilised by Drax and Oker and Pure Evil (out of shot) as a Robbo tribute then distastefully partially painted over too soon by Endless. I doubt there is a more flamboyant performer in the world […]
Sheffield Sex City
“cos the city’s out to get me if I won’t sleep with her this eveningThough her buildings are impressive and her cul-de-sacs amazingShe’s had too many lovers and I know you’re out there waiting”– “Sheffield Sex City”, Pulp All photos: NoLionsInEngland Sheffield, up North, 3 hours ish out of St Pancras, why I have not […]
Two new Banksy pieces in England All photos by shellshock It’s official (almost). Banksy has come away from the dirty nappies and dropped two sumptuous pieces in his old stomping ground; a.k.a. God’s own backyard, the West Country of England. Not surprisingly Banksy has never done anything in genteel Cheltenham before, as the local ‘krew’ […]
Hit Shot Wall – a wet month!
All photos: NoLionsInEngland (HowAboutNo pretending there were no trains all month from the South Coast, that’s 4 x 5 = 20 days working from home, yeah!) February has been a month of unrelenting street art activity by street artists clad mainly in anoraks and wellington boots. Going to kick our look back this month, a […]