The Year In Review

2022 Shoreditch Street Art

Best of Shoreditch’s 2022 street art including murals, stencils, paste ups and sculptures from Ed Hick, Nylon, Cranio, CPWon, Otto Schade and many others

Street Art

New Old Banksy Street Art In Shoreditch

Banksy street art hidden for many years has been brought out of limbo in Shoreditch, visible at last to the millions of street art fans new to Banksy’s art since it last doused itself under East London rain. Two images, a huge rat and a TV being chucked rock star style out of a window […]

On My Travels Street Art

Sheffield Sex City

“cos the city’s out to get me if I won’t sleep with her this eveningThough her buildings are impressive and her cul-de-sacs amazingShe’s had too many lovers and I know you’re out there waiting”– “Sheffield Sex City”, Pulp All photos: NoLionsInEngland Sheffield, up North, 3 hours ish out of St Pancras, why I have not […]

Street Art

Phlegm in Bantry, Ireland

All photos: NoLionsInEngland Holiday time in West Cork meant contriving an excuse to pop in to Bantry to track down a stunning pair of Phlegm murals. Like the best treats, the work reveals itself in stages. The first sighting is a figure working with a shovel; then the back of the property reveals a ground […]