Art Show Review Uncategorized

Invader Space Station Paris 2024

Review of Space Invaders’ conversion of a multi storey car park into a multi level art game

Street Art

Flashes of Space Invader

Space Invader hunting in London with the Flash Invader app

Street Art

La beauté est dans la rue – Paris street art, part une

La beauté est dans la rue – a walk among Paris street art in Spring 2023, its not just murals in Paris!

On My Travels

God Created Manchester (Graffoto saw it was good)

Celebrating exciting street art found on a couple of days visiting Manchester

Street Art

Space Invader Strikes Back!

Interview with the UK Reactivation Team Photos Dave Stuart except where stated Planet Earth faces invasion and the insidious arrival of aliens has been going on for years with few people noticing. This is not the formulaic plot of yet another sci fi blockbuster, this is an invasion of street art masterminded by a secretive […]

Street Art

Invaders Don’t Die

All photos: DaveStuart (NoLionsInEngland) About 3 weeks ago in Kings Cross I thought I saw a ghost, my eyes seemed to be playing tricks. A old, long departed friend, a Union flag Space Invader which had disappeared a few years ago had magically reappeared. Rule Britney, sorry – Britannia Subsequently I read a blog post […]