Street Art

Shepard Fairey Does Shoreditch

Shepard Fairey’s contribution to Shoreditch street art from 2007 – present day reviewed

Street Art

La beauté est dans la rue – Paris street art, part une

La beauté est dans la rue – a walk among Paris street art in Spring 2023, its not just murals in Paris!

Art Show Review

Beyond The Streets

The art gallery careers developed by graffiti writers from new York and London

Street Art

London International Pasteup Festival Review

The history of street art is a complex story whose content varies depending upon author, location, editorial preferences for a “creation” date and people’s differing actual lived experiences. The early phase of its ripping away from graffiti was for many reasons dominated by stencilism and the significant role of the paste-up technique is easily overlooked. […]

Art Show Review

D*Face, Kai and Sunny and Shepard Fairey London art show “Unity”

StolenSpace Gallery 17 Osborn St, London E1 6TD 10 Sep – 3 October 2021 Unity Massive queues, a packed opening night at a gallery – is this 2008 all over again? Actually no, it’s D*Face collaborating with two of StolenSpace’s long term friends Kai and Sunny, a double act counting as one friend, and Shepard […]

Art Show Review

Jamie Reid – Taking Liberties

Taking Liberties! Jamie Reid political work 1970 – 2020 Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury London WC1N 1JD Opened March 6th, extended to end April Jamie Reid is the activist artist who is probably best known in popular culture as the artist behind the Sex Pistols album artwork. The Horse Hospital in London has a retrospective exhibition […]

Art Show Review

Shepard Fairey Facing The Giant

StolenSpace, Osborn St, London The Residency, Whitby St, London October 5th – October 31st Update: The Residency portion of the show has closed but a section of the art has been consolidated at StolenSpace and remains on show until the end of November. Shepard Fairey has visited London and a confetti of stickers, some major […]

Art Show Review

The Thousands

Opening This Wednesday, “The Thousands” is a celebration of the gallery work of some of the top street artists in the World curated by RJ Vandalog. Artists to be shown include Adam NeateAikoAnthony ListerArmsrockBanksyBarry McGeeBastBlek le RatBurning CandyChris StainDavid EllisElbowtoeFaileFutura 2000GaiaHerakutJenny HolzerJosé ParláJudith SupineKawsKnow HopeNick WalkerOs GêmeosRoaSam3Shepard FaireySkewvilleSwoonWK Interact Vandalog has developed an unrivalled coverage […]