On My Travels

Penge Car Park Street Art

Murals in a multi storey car park

Irony gone bats

Penge is a major tourist destination in the countryside with great street art.  A Graffoto blog post kicks off with its customary 1 part truth to 2 parts tosh pattern, though to inspire Graffoto great street art must be involved so you can guess which of the aforementioned claims swerves dangerously close to actual truth.

viewing rust Icon street art through holes in in Penge
Trust Icon
Hunto decks out the deckhead

Ldn Calling Blog has developed a mural programme in Penge for the past 6 years and last weekend held an open day in a car park which has been given a major make-over by some phenomenal street artists.   Obviously car parks connected to shopping centres tend to be used for parking cars so the open days ensure brief respites from traffic allowing the public to view the walls, ramps, parapets and columns in all their glory.  Many stories in the multi-story.

staggered walls with layers of street art and graffiti in Penge with a huge Reves and Sidok collaboration
Fat Cap Sprays, DRT, This One and a Reves/Sidok collab
Sidok reaches the Penge skies
Name, Nush and Skeleton Cardboard reflect on the car park rooftop

It being a rare Saturday with neither work nor a home football game in the diary, last weekend provided the opportunity for Graffoto’s debut foray down to Penge.  The occasion for the open day was the unveiling of a new collection of Halloween themed art, ghouls in the garage so to speak, but being the first visit to the premises all the art was “new” to Graffoto.  The Halloween themed art was easily differentiated from older pieces by the miniature human horrors striking poses in front of them. 

scary halloween head viewed through a circular hole in Penge car park
SRJP through the round window
JXC Spider, DRT’s psychedelic web
Multi story rooftop

Cap doffed to Ldn Calling blog, the display of murals and the calibre of artists is breathtaking.   Penge really has something special putting on a show of artists such as Nylon, Fanakapan, Irony, Tizer, Airborne Mark, Reves, Enigma and more.

Miniatures by Elena Howard Clay
Name and Nush reflect on the car park rooftop
Tris mural flanked by Nush

This visit just explored the art within the Blenheim Centre car park, there is much more street art dotted on walls and alleyways across the town.  What Steve of Ldn Calling blog has achieved is staggering and we look forward to seeing more art on future visits.

Enigma / This One Collab
painting of halloween monk spirit with massive compass in Penge Car Park
Airborne Mark monk with a bad habit
Skeleton paintings dance on a wall with young boy in skeleton costume in front, located in Penge multi story car park
Skeleton Cardboard and garage ghoul
A composite mural of a bird head split over two pillars in Penge


Penge rooftop gallery website

All photos: Dave Stuart

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