616 Alo Art Is Trash Clet Abraham D*Face D7606 midge Mr Fan HC My Dog Sighs Skeleton Cardboard Three

London’s Street Art 2013 – Nostalgia is so last year

They said it wouldn’t last and dammit they were right. The year turned out to be mortal, just 365 days long but attaching electrodes to 2013’s nipples, street artists cranked the generator handle to keep fresh work fizzing on the walls right to the very death. Let’s look back over the highlights, the brilliant walls, […]

616 Ace Aida Allintha Alo C215 D7606 Dee One Gee Street Art Jo Peel Kata KGS Mobstr Obey Obit Paul Insect St8ment Sweet Toof Unga

Hit Shot Walls March 2013

All photos: NoLionsInEngland Not making any promises that this will become a regular feature but….here are some musings on and pics of street art and graffiti which happened to catch our eye around London recently. Sweet Toof and Insect knocked up some gorgeous paste ups and papered a broad swath of London’s East End. Choosing […]