Heavy Artillery INSA Nylon

Heavy Artillery – Haters

Prescription Art GalleryBrighton, England22 Oct 2009 – all photos: NoLionsInEngland Heavy Artillery, awesome top end graffiti writers have opened their first whole crew show in Prescription Art’s gallery in Brighton. This show takes place in a distressed and dilapidated former music library with scene-of-the-crime tripod lighting, unlit external toilets and no running water, so a […]

Dep Heavy Artillery Ivory Dukes Tizer

The Ti(des)zer…They Are A Changing? ?

A fairly prominent wall in Shoreditch, almost a whole building ‘taken out’. . . HA and ID crews in attendance…. Buffed by the trigger happy council boys like everything else? Who knows! But by christ if this is the shape of the future state of Shoreditch, I like it!