Street Art

Ezra St Paste Up Frenzy

Shoreditch is full of little corners where street art survives and accumulates in layers, like a busy kitchen pinboard.  Last week one such canvas near Columbia road was transformed by, in no particular order, Donk, Skeleton Cardboard, Rider and Tommy Fiendish into this beautiful paste up collage.    Donk, Rider, Tommy Fiendish, Skeleton Cardboard    […]

Art Show Review

The Start Of The End – ODDO, MCLN, Savant and DaddyStreetFox

ODDO, MCLN, Savant and DaddyStreetFox Monty’s Bar 49 Brick Lane; London 11th July – 25th July 2019 ODDO and fellow street artists Savant, MCLN and Daddy Street Fox have a group show at Monty’s Bar and it is fascinating to see what they get up to when freed of some of the “issues” or perhaps […]