Unit 4 199 Eade Road (see directions below) London N4 1DN (about 10 mins walk from Manor House) Fri 3 April – Sun 5th April Fri 1930 – 0000 Saturday 4th 2pm – midnight/Sun 5th 2pm -2300 See event page all photos: NoLionsInEngland Featured artists painting indoors and out: Kenor, Zosen Bandido, Vinnie Nylon, Pablo […]
Tag: Dotmasters
Street Fart (and other hot air)
we like having stuff we like on our walls. A self-styled accidental gallerist (no apologies necessary), an art establishment academic/critic and a “street art” gallerist spouted off at a panel discussion at Tate Modern on collecting street art. Pure Evil, the blushing gallerist, blew the debate out of the water with the truism that once […]
Cans Festival
Leake St, 3 May – 5 May 2008 words/pictures: nolionsinengland. LA got its elephant in the room (has anyone else noticed the “Elephant In The Room” drawing added to Banksy.co.uk, curious since everything else on his site is publicly seen work), Notting Hill had the rats, Waterloo’s tunnel hosted possibly the finest selection of global […]