Art Show Review Banksy Street Art

Foundry/Red Gallery Shoreditch Art Spot Closes

Think Shoreditch and inevitably thoughts are of clubs, parties and street art. A more considered assessment of the past 20 years would oblige image wizards to render Shoreditch in the collective memory as a place of creativity, craftsmanship, experimentation, fashion, film making, music making and art performance to name just a few. Sadly this week […]


Meeting Of Styles UK 2014

all photos NoLionsInEngland except HowAboutNo where stated Meeting Of Styles is an international celebration of the art of the spraycan, graffiti and music. Since 2002 Meeting Of Styles spraycan art jams have taken place in 16 countries. Last weekend it was the turn of Shoreditch to host the Meeting Of Styles UK 2014 event. Billed […]

Banksy Street Art

The Buff – RIP Graffiti and Street Art in Shoreditch

all photos Nolionsinengland except where stated Shoreditch is a colourful, artistic furiously beating heart within the borough of Hackney. Among many forms of creative and cultural excellence, street art within Shoreditch is significant on the global scale if not even world leading. Visitors come from far and wide specifically to see the street art and […]

Art Show Review

Mutate Britain

Every Fri, Sat, Sun from 21 Nov 08 Behind The Shutters GalleryCordy HouseCurtain Road, LondonPhotos NoLionsInEngland except Wallkandy where noted Mutate Britain is a mechanised art fuck up bursting the seams of the Behind The Shutters Gallery at Cordy House in Shoreditch, London for (we think) 5 weekends, starting about 2 weekends ago. There are […]