
Adam Neate

I really cant wait to see this show in the flesh. The stories have already been told far and wide of how ridiculous the buy to sell market is flooding the street art (call it what you want) market. Where will it all end? (and I really stopped caring for being mad about chasing the next big print a long long time ago (when the price rose above £250 a pop – but it’s a phase a lot of us have all gone through)

All we will really know is that the real up turn in all of this didn’t start with Banksy anymore. . .Mr Neate is pissing all over him from a great height.
So in honour of him, and by rather bizarre coincidence (posted spot on at 2am) I hadn’t seen this print until searching for it now but knew the title and decided to come and post something about the show. I searched and found Elms Lesters – the gallery where it’s at

And found this :

2am BLOG


A one man show by ADAM NEATE

Featuring original paintings, an exclusive collection of original handthrown stoneware and porcelain ceramics made in collaboration with critically acclaimed British studio-potter DAN KELLY and new limited edition prints. **WHICH SOLD OUT YESTERDAY….DOH!**

The second element of the exhibition, ‘POTS’, is the result of months of collaboration between Adam and Internationally renown British potter, DAN KELLY.

August 3rd – 25th 2007

Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 12 – 6pm

Thursdays ’til 9pm

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