
Cut Up Collective

I haven’t seen too much stuff from the Cut Up Collective, until now…… And boy was it worth the wait!

There is word via their own site ( ) about a month long event in the area, so hopefully I will spot loads more before it ends as they are simply amazing. The collective members select both billboard and bus stop posters and cut them down(sometimes huge sheets at a time) then they remake an entirely new image from the cut up pieces. Surely this choice is not made randomly as a huge amount of effort must go in to reconstituting them.

CutUp will take over the Seventeen gallery on Kingsland Road, transforming it into Grand Hotel Abyss, a makeshift studio for a month. Every night during the month, advertising posters from the surrounding area will be cut down, removed and taken into Grand Hotel Abyss, CutUp’s temporary home. Here they will be reordered and prepared for their placement back into the spaces they came from.

To hopefully be continued !

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