
Time Bomb

History. What is it? I wasn’t there!

Moving to London in the early 80s I contrived to miss graff’s heyday because (a) I cycled everywhere and (b) I couldn’t stand hip hop. Some things never change. Today on my ride home, a chance encounter with a door ajar allowed a glimpse into a hidden time capsule of ancient tags from some home grown legends.

Tox Cut Myth Camo

Let’s play a game popular on flickr called Guess Where London. Show you know your history, tell us the name of the location where these photos were taken. No prizes.

Tox Cut Myth Camo

Sadly, clip clop cycling shoes and an unlocked bike outside meant I couldn’t explore further. Booo. Still, we love clandestine photo missions and when they are also impromptu – even better. I think I have seen this particular stairwell on a youtube clip somewhere, or is it in a book, I couldn’t find it – anyone know?

Tox Cut Myth Merks

0 replies on “Time Bomb”

Cant tell without pluging in my other drive but if if its via the cleaning services door, you should have gone down to track level, there are older ones down there. Is it?

lol that cleaning services door is such a landmark, i only knew for sure it was that one because of tox's o3 as its plastered backwards on the glass. Welldone for getting a look in 🙂

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