It being that day, Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral, I decided to go out graff hunting and what a great decision that turned out to be. “Helch Watch” has been running for several months following the addition of an incomplete piece of graff close to our hood in May. Helch, May 2022 Helch, May 2022 […]
Category: Graffiti
Carnival of Graffiti
Carnival Route Westbourne Grove Carnival returned to Notting Hill this weekend after a COVID hiatus of 3 years, this meant the return of one of the best and most temporary HOFs (Hall of Fame) going – the Notting Hill Carnival shopfront hoardings. Notting Hill One person who played a major role in grabbing the head […]
“It’s A Brum Ting” has been the signature of the past fortnight as Birmingham hosted the Commonwealth Games. So what is it about Birmingham, why is it so great? Armed with a cheap cheap day return rail ticket I set out several weeks back to discover what Goldie, Trevor Francis and Banksy (might have) appreciated […]
Any excuse to blow the London vapours from the lungs will do so my travels recently took me to Cardiff thanks to a cheap rail ticket promotion. Cardiff is the capital of Wales and, as a specimen of street art informs me, the 6th most “at risk” city in the world from rising water levels. […]
Should this Shoreditch Street Art Tours post start with an apology to the spraycan virtuoso Jim Vision? Perhaps. Last night [31 Dec 2020, new Years Eve] we held a short notice online virtual ramble through some of the art that provided great food for thought on the Shoreditch Street Art Tour in 2021. With the […]
Martha A Picture Story Q & A
Subway Art 25th anniversary hardback cover A bit of context to begin with. All over the world there are graffiti writers who will testify that their introduction to graffiti began with one book, Subway Art written by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant. In 2009 I queued with literally hundreds of other graffiti fans and graffiti […]
The graffiti scene recently lost a true virtuoso with the passing at a very young age of Jano. Jano was a master of style. He pulled off the almost impossible feat of constantly innovating and developing new directions while always remaining distinctive and instantly recognisable. Jano – Sclater St London 2009 Jano writing “Human”, Leake […]
One of the biggest feuds in art-world history, street artist Banksy v graffiti writer Robbo rumbled on much longer than fans and art historians previously thought. In December 2009 street artist Banksy created 4 illegal pieces of stencil art on the sides of a canal in Camden, London. One of the pieces, the Banksy Wallpaperer […]
Meeting Of Styles UK 2018
Meeting Of Styles Nomadic Community Gardens, Shoreditch 26 – 28th May 2018 At the end of May there is a Bank Holiday in the UK though really no one knows why or cares what for. This provides a marvellous opportunity for a huge array of spraypainting talent to gather in Shoreditch for a frenzy of […]
all photos: NoLionsInEngland The graffiti community mourns the passing of a giant. Robbo, King Robbo to many, sustained serious injuries in an accident in 2011 and after being in a coma ever since passed away last week. RIP. Robbo was a true legend of the London graffiti scene being one of the leaders of the […]
TRP v. ID – Graff Battle
SNOE, CEPT, BRK, SEKS v. SHUCKS1,JOBE Strongroom Curtain Rd, London Sat 18 Aug 2012 Expect sparks when two crews collide. Fills get abstract, characters pose, outlines pop, shines burst and backgrounds flare yet the real stress causing graff foreheads to pucker is not the law or the pikeys robbing cans…it’s the clock! Two of London’s […]
VNA Issue 19 (July 2012) has a glorious 7 page photo spread of graff from Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, shot by me on my first visit there a short while ago. The photo features the local stars of the graff scene as well as one or two illustrious visitors. The mag is available in many disreputable […]
Photos: NolionsInEngland except HowAboutNo where stated. Every year throws up it’s street art hating graffiti purist, thankfully 2012’s has arrived early. Malarky, Lucas & feat Kamba Malarky, Lucas, Mr Penfold and co are clearly guilty of wantonly putting up sweet and bright painted walls and shutters all over Shoreditch and someone, step forward Kamba, resents […]
Graffiti 365 – Jay “J.Son” Edlin (et al)
all photos: NoLionsInEngland A sub woofer resonating rumble and Richter scale registering tremor signalled newly published book Graffiti 365 crashing through the letter box today. 365 graffiti artists, 2 inches of pulp and about the same weight as a newborn baby, you could use this book to barricade your door. On the surface it’s a […]
History. What is it? I wasn’t there! Moving to London in the early 80s I contrived to miss graff’s heyday because (a) I cycled everywhere and (b) I couldn’t stand hip hop. Some things never change. Today on my ride home, a chance encounter with a door ajar allowed a glimpse into a hidden time […]