Art Show Review

Cranio at Fun Factory, London

Fun Factory
133 – 135 Bethnal Green Road
29 August, 1 night only

all photographs: NoLionsInEngland

Cranio has been busy in London for the past few weeks painting a load of his characters on very visible walls across the metropolis, and a few low key not so legitimate walls but hush hush about that apparently.

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Cranio, Brick Lane, Shoreditch

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Cranio, Shoreditch, London

If came as a surprise to hear that he had found enough time during his stay here to dive into the studio and create a dozen stunning large images on paper. They are all formed around the same basic image of one figure stage right but are all so dissimilar as to be effectively each an original. The figure is Cranio’s Amazonian Indian who is up to his usual spendthrift tricks having flogged his land rights and cultural identity for a suitcase full of dollars.

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Bus Stop

The gimmicky twist with these pictures becomes apparent when the lights go down and the pictures glow. Well, some of them.


“For sale: one size fits all”

This display brought all twelve prints together for one night only before they got packed up and despatched to their new owners. It appeared on the night that a few may still be available. One more thought, looking at the rough hewn finish of Fun Factory’s temporary home cements Fun Factory’s niche in London’s street art culture, kind of where Pure Evil was a while back. This manifestation of Fun Factory will be missed when it is obliged to pull down the shutters in early September when the building redevelopment starts.

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