Festival Street Art

Meeting of Styles ’08

Why is it the best events are always the ones you don’t know a thing about?! The Meeting of Styles was going on as we took a random walk round the back of the “trains in the air” wall to see if there was any update to the progress of Fridays half painted out ATG […]

Street Art

Monday Update. . . .

Mighty Mo’s Monkey is cropping up in an amazing array of places….well actually not that amazing as they are nearly always on top of a train bridge, but placement and execution are second to none, all done with a roller and a very long pole. Parked my car IN FRONT of this billboard a few […]

Street Art

It’s Still a MysterY To MME

I have often wondered if Eine is actually spelling anything out in placing his letters along our thouroughfares, from his latest spat of shutter realted daubery (at least in the order I have spotted them) here is what he has spelt so far : So, seemingly bugger all…unless it’s really subliminal?!

Street Art

What a Difference a Couple of Weeks Make. . .

15.04.08 It was bound to happen…..especially in the middle of Hackney 28.04.08

Street Art

Christ Strike A Light, It’s Monday…And Here’s An Update!

Here is a new laugh for you… I’m going to turn this into a daily update. Ahahahahahahahaha. Maybe. Nuff said.

Street Art

Charity Graf Walk

“Cancer Sell” is an event that is being staged to raise funds primarily from the contribution of art works given by the artists on Flickr. I am doing all I can to help out a friend that I met through the site to make the night and the fund raising total a big success. Thanks […]

Street Art

Week and a Half Late Monday Update

Street Art

Oh F@*k And Bugger, I almost forgot the Monday Update!

Seeing as I did it last Monday, and stuff is finally hotting up (i.e. I have enough new stuff to show) Lets do this. . . . . .

Banksy Street Art

Banksy Back In Tahhhhhhhhhnn Again

Between us we have managed to get a few of them, certainly turning out to be a Banksy heavy 2008 🙂



The floundering efforts of two blokes with no talent or ideas of their own to copy an idea tried out by thousands of others. The mercifully brief lunchtime photo session was interupted by from time to time by proper artists Mau Mau, Beejoir and Pure Evil, who all left sniggering. NoLions’ exhibitionist streak was flaunted […]

Street Art

I’m Not A Pavement Sniffer, I’m A Pavement Sniffers Son

Just a quick Monday update on street life (which may or may not become a regular “thing”)….. I think Monday is too boring a day to do it, but at the same time I hope at least one or two pieces make you smile. Firstly, Dave The Chimp with another of the now numerous pieces […]

Art Show Review Street Art

Arofish Solo Show

A long time coming for Mr Fish this one, he should have had a solo show a very long time ago. Few can argue that his stencils are simply second to none (as witnessed a few posts back in his return to hitting up the streets of East London) So, back to his more usual […]

Street Art

Arofish Returns

I have never seen too many Arofish stencils around Shoreditch (primarily they crop up on the Southbank and surronding areas) but what he lacks in quantity he certainly makes up for in quality and they are always worth waiting for. Spotted by the now eagle eyed and very clued up Nolions. . . . . […]

Banksy Street Art

Banksy Back in Taahhhhhn

The Boy done good!

Street Art

Supine Bridge is Falling Down. . . .

Judith wont be happy!