Graffiti On My Travels Street Art

OMT: Rollers, Stones and Athenian Graff

On My Travels I travel on overland rail in the UK maybe a dozen times a year. Filter that for sober trips with a charged camera and I have more chance of winning the lottery than I do spotting graff on rolling steel. So it was with delight on my way to Gatwick that I […]

On My Travels Street Art

Greek Missus and Leg-ends: Athens Graf pt II

The Parthenon, democracy, any song by Demis Roussos, this post about Athenian graffiti – one thing they all have in common is they never seem to get finished. Well here is part two, part one is either a little bit lower down the page or here. Thanks to its intractable bureaucracy where even a simple […]

On My Travels Street Art

It’s All Greek To Me: Athens Pt 1

Over many years as London’s ambassador to Athen’s tavernas and bars, I have had the pleasure of observing quite a large amount of graffti, regrettably nearly always from the windows of taxis (when Athens taxis are moving it’s best to keep your eyes closed, thankfully they also spend a lot of time stationary). On my […]