Art Show Review

xEnso – Xenz’ Nelly Duff Show

Xenz 2nd – 8th November 2018 Nelly Duff Gallery 156 Columbia Road London E2 7RG If there is a niche for graffiti writers who paint exquisite, delicate nature pieces with a dash of fantasy landscape thrown in then a huge chunk gets filled by Hull’s finest escapee, Xenz. Meeting Of Styles 2009 Cans Festival II, […]

Street Art

Shoreditch Connectivity – A Big New Mural

Shoreditch street art is a little bit different, in many ways and for many reasons, it just is. One aspect in which Shoreditch however may be a bit off the pace is the gargantuan mural. The social media feeds of many brilliant photographers of street art from around the world are full of truly epic […]