Art Show Review

xEnso – Xenz’ Nelly Duff Show

Xenz 2nd – 8th November 2018 Nelly Duff Gallery 156 Columbia Road London E2 7RG If there is a niche for graffiti writers who paint exquisite, delicate nature pieces with a dash of fantasy landscape thrown in then a huge chunk gets filled by Hull’s finest escapee, Xenz. Meeting Of Styles 2009 Cans Festival II, […]

Graffiti Street Art

Meeting Of Styles UK 2018

Meeting Of Styles Nomadic Community Gardens, Shoreditch 26 – 28th May 2018 At the end of May there is a Bank Holiday in the UK though really no one knows why or cares what for. This provides a marvellous opportunity for a huge array of spraypainting talent to gather in Shoreditch for a frenzy of […]