Art Show Review

Beyond The Streets

The art gallery careers developed by graffiti writers from new York and London

Street Art

Martha A Picture Story Q & A

Subway Art 25th anniversary hardback cover A bit of context to begin with. All over the world there are graffiti writers who will testify that their introduction to graffiti began with one book, Subway Art written by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant. In 2009 I queued with literally hundreds of other graffiti fans and graffiti […]

Art Show Review

My Dog Sighs – Crylong

CRYLONG Nelly Duff 156 Columbia Rd, London E2 7RG 8TH – 14TH Nov 2019 My Dog Sighs has a London solo show at Nelly Duff, well overdue after a long gap since his last London solo show. This photorealistic extraordinaire has steadily built up a broad array of impressive street art styles, most famous of […]