
Yummy. . . . Eine wakes up :op

One of my all time fave street artist’s since day one (and subliminally from many years previous…. that makes no sense. Maybe I’ll explain later if anyone is bothered) is Eine. Big thanks mainly have to go to Shellshock Photos – – one and only Mr Martin Bull, for making me aware the bloke actually did screen prints via some dodgy forum. The best £35 quid I ever did spend!

Anyway, it’s getting warmer (between the piss poor rain) which means the big boys get out of bed before 4pm most days now, and actually bother to paint stuff on walls like they used to before becoming “artists”. Guess that’s why I have always loved Eine’s stuff, strips the bullshit and just gets straight in your face.

Now, the “Big” news for most is that Eine has just finished probably his biggest (don’t quote me here folks) street piece ever just this weekend. Entitled “Vandalism” (just a wild guess) It is truly stunning, and will no doubt feature here in all its changing guises over the coming months/years/when we all vanish from this mortal coil, whichever comes first.

Excuse the poor stitching peeps, I promise to improve!

But what literally just made me wet my pants (no, seriously) was when I just uploaded these pics taken almost a year apart to the day. I thought I already had this Eine shutter in the bag, but today was less sunny than before so it was a good time to get a better shot (I’m sad A LOT like that, you’ll see)

Here it is on 24th June 2006 :

And Then here it is again today :

So at least he is going back over his old stuff and keeping it fresh, whilst also doing loads of new bits in between. Which keeps saddo’s like me happy and away from any windows looking to be licked. :o)

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