
Church Street Graf Area

For a couple of years we’ve been meaning to check out this space, walking home in a celebratory mood after watching United steal a 2-1 win from the Gooners it just seemed like a good thing to do.

The London Frontline collective/Mighty Mo is the most obvious stuff seen from the top of any passing number 6 bus.

This particular one has awesome tartan and psychedelic whirl fill-ins.

Hadn’t expected so much ATG. A little bit of sniffing around on the net suggests ATG could be Panik, Asure, Getsy, possibly others as well.

Spoke to the guy in charge, he sees the graffiti as not doing any harm. Doesn’t mind good stuff getting thrown up. He was pissed off whoever that his favourite ATG – “Ahead Of The Game” had been painted over. Thanks to Bravo99, who’s pic I’ve nicked here, (Bravo – if you can help identify the others – chip in!).

(which previously was….

photo courtesy Bravo 99
I’ve no idea who this one is by but melikee
Bloke in charge also says the cops sometimes come around to check signatures. What next – the Met doing Banksy print authentication?

He doesn’t like pornographic or political stuff, and couldn’t understand why “Blood For Oil” had been slapped up one day.

Plenty of Wildstyle slapped about
The guvnor also said something about college students coming round to practise their graffiti. Is there a course in that as well these days? Anyway, leaving the bet until last, I was quite gobsmacked to come across this D-Face:

There was some stuff which had vans parked hard up against it, one day I’ll return. Just give it a few years.

Plenty more pics here:

0 replies on “Church Street Graf Area”

you can aset to the ATG list .. he did the ahead of the game piece. He’s got his name on the left of it … He’s a top bloke like all all the ATG crew ..

k … shk , tk , pws .. yada yada yada

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