Graffoto loves street art, we love graffiti, we have a passion for stencils and are often blown away by stunning murals but when it comes to good old “art by anyone” street art, the paste up is the king.

Paste ups are the often overlooked ugly sister of street art. When was the last time your local rag featured street art other than the latest permissioned mural or something mistakenly attributed to Banksy? Yet paste ups are where street art most consistently fulfils its original promises: democratic art, art by the people, freedom from the hand of art world curation, no need for an art qualification, liberation from establishment approval – just an idea on a wall on display to the public.

The fast changing wave of creativity inherent in paste ups is for the second time celebrated in the London International Paste Up Festival #LIPF2 and we are delighted to be able to shine a little light from the inside on the whole affair.

In several spots the team doing the hard graft of putting up the paste ups actually meet with wall owner resistance, the Princelet Street location above proved the most controversial installation. The full details are covered in a more comprehensive assessment with a hugely expanded photo record on the Shoreditch Street Art Tours blog.

All photos: Dave Stuart