Alexandros Vasmoulakis Athens Feo Flip INO1 JNOR NDA Nina Nunca. Same84 Os Gemeos SidRon

Os Gemeos Found Un-Harmed

All photos by nolionsinEngland Greece is a battered country; battered by economic penury, politicians that can’t be trusted, lack of a properly functioning tax collection mechanism, corruption, cronyism, nepotism and that’s just for starters. If there is one thing the Greeks haven’t wasted money on it’s The Buff. Every highway fence, roadside kiosk, every shop […]

Alexandros Vasmoulakis Athens The Krah

OMT: Rollers, Stones and Athenian Graff

On My Travels I travel on overland rail in the UK maybe a dozen times a year. Filter that for sober trips with a charged camera and I have more chance of winning the lottery than I do spotting graff on rolling steel. So it was with delight on my way to Gatwick that I […]