
Stealing Banksy?

“Stealing Banksy” London25th – 27th April 2014 Photos: NoLionsInEngland except Art of The State and others where stated It’s not often a piece of street art produces a profound shift in my thinking but now I’ve seen the “Stealing Banksy?” exhibition, I get why Athenians insist that inside the British Museum is not the right […]

Banksy Bristol Cheltenham GCHQ Snoopers Mobile Lovers Museum Street Art

The Curious Incident of the Banksy ‘Street’ Art in a Museum

Two new Banksy pieces in England All photos by shellshock It’s official (almost). Banksy has come away from the dirty nappies and dropped two sumptuous pieces in his old stomping ground; a.k.a. God’s own backyard, the West Country of England.  Not surprisingly Banksy has never done anything in genteel Cheltenham before, as the local ‘krew’ […]

Banksy C215 Chu Conor Harrington D*Face Evol Gaia Gold Peg Horror Jimmy C Motor Phlegm Probs Revok Roid Ronzo Rowdy Rusht Swoon

Graffoto Round Up of the Year – Part 4

Photos by HowAboutNo and NoLionsInEngland And here we have it folks, part 4 of 4 in the round up of 2011. This final look at the year now covers September all the way through to the end of December. Being that it was mild for the time of year, and there were a shed load […]


Banksy Loves Liverpool

photos: NoLionsInEngland except where noted It has been a while since Graffoto’s last penetrating insight into walls damaged by Banksy. Those Banksy posts were easily mistaken as springing from passion for street art when in fact the intention was to publicize Shellshock’s brilliant gift sized tome “Banksy Locations and A Tour” which is currently available […]

Banksy K-Guy

k-Guy & Occupy vs Greedy Bankers

All photos: NoLionsInEngland A decent target and a good idea is all the motivation K-Guy requires for another politicised barb delivered through the medium of stencilled street art. Bankers and politicians are frequently a target for K-Guy and as usual, he delivers a simple message with exquisite timing and placement. Spraypaint,Carpet (quality: Eastern European municipal […]

Banksy Inkie Lokey

Something Interesting About Banksy, Really!

all photos: NoLionsInEngland except where noted Central London today saw a truck decorated by Banksy coming out of obscurity and into the full glare of the popular art commodity market. Banksy comes in for a fair amount of criticism for being a stencil artist and therefore not doing hardcore freehand schizz or just lacking can […]


Banksy Locations (and a Tour) Vol II

All photos: Shellshock Remember Banksy Locations and Tours, a pocket size book produced in 2006 which detailed locations of Banksy street artwork? That was structured around around 3 tour routes of Banksy’s wall art in London that a lucky few experienced free of charge at the time, though a bit like the Sex Pistols at […]

Banksy Robbo

Banksy v Robbo – War Continues

………Or does it? Are these latest changes by Banksy or not? Opinion in the Graffoto bunker has been divided. Can’t say that passions rose to anywhere near bloodshedding levels though. All the changes basically involve buffing the Team Robbo wording, tidying up and re-working the defaced images. The Waiter rat has changed to this, little […]

10FOOT Banksy Cept Inkfetish

The Buff – RIP Graffiti and Street Art in Shoreditch

all photos Nolionsinengland except where stated Shoreditch is a colourful, artistic furiously beating heart within the borough of Hackney. Among many forms of creative and cultural excellence, street art within Shoreditch is significant on the global scale if not even world leading. Visitors come from far and wide specifically to see the street art and […]

Banksy Robbo

And The Beef Goes On….

all photos: NoLionsInEngland In the beginning there were four targets. Following a Christmas Day Robbo-mission and a little memo-to-Banksy early in the New Year, there were only two left. Now in the gap between yesterday afternoon (Sunday) and this afternoon, Team Robbo has collected the set. Slicing the knife into another chink in the armour, […]

10FOOT Banksy David Choe Lucy McLauchlan Robbo

Robbo vs Banksy – Did You Think It Was Over?

This post is written by nolionsinengland and is not necessarily reflective of the thoughts of co-bloggers Howaboutno and Shellshock, in fact they may not even be my friends any more! About 4 days after you read it here on Graffoto, The Times proclaimed ”Not since the rivalry of Picasso and Matisse…. has there been such […]

Banksy Robbo

Banksy vs Robbo WRH, WD – checkmate

Christmas day is traditionally, in London at least, an occasion for graffiti writers to brush the turkey off their chops and head to the tunnels and lay-ups for some seasonal decorative activities. Banksy got his Christmas celebrations in early by hitting Regents Canal in Camden last weekend. In doing so, this spectacular piece caused uproar […]

Banksy Robbo

Banksy Hits Regents Canal

Before I set out this morning on the minimal effort that passes as my contribution to the irreligious Xmas consumer fest, I glanced though my Flickr contacts’ latest uploads and saw ArtOfTheState had uploaded a new Banksy. And when AOTS calls it as a Banksy, it damn well is a Banksy. I recognised the building […]


Banksy Self Assembly Flat Pack Graffiti Slogans

photos: Romanywg and Nolionsinengland where stated Banksy appears to be getting the limitations of a formal show out of his system by going back to decorating street walls. First the M40 Bandit appeared a couple of weeks ago and is generally accepted to be Banksy although no “official” confirmation has been made. Westway bandit, Nolionsinengland […]


Banksy v. Bristol Museum

Bristol June 13 – Aug 31 2009 Photos: Nolionsinengland, Howaboutno, Art Of The State, Shellshock Banksy is a bloke from Bristol who leaves messages on the streets and in Museums, you may have heard. Banksy In London; Nolionsinengland He is more than just my favourite cartoonist, even though he doesn’t have a daily newspaper slot […]