2-Square Art Is Trash Binho C3 Cranio Mean MJar Pablo Delgado Rowdy Saki and Bitches Sweet Toof Xylo

Hit Shot Walls – September 2013

All photos HowAboutNo Words NoLionsInEngland We are just over halfway through October so it must be time to reminisce fondly on the street art that appeared on Shoreditch walls back in September. We can also reminisce on the good old days when the part of Graffoto wandering round with a camera would let the part […]

Above Alex Senna Cenz Conor Harrington Eine Fred Le Chevalier MadC Nylon Osch Pegasus Saki and Bitches Tian

Hit Shot Walls – August 2013

All photos HowAboutNo except NoLionsInEngland where statedWords NoLionsInEngland August, a hot oppresive city, empty workspaces, charged tense atmosphere and tourists.  Yup, on the whole that pretty much sums up this month’s Shoredtich Street Art scene except that wall space was actually pretty very full and in one controversial case, pretty badly buffed! Above did a […]

Ai Wei Wei C215 Clet Abraham Dain dr. d El Mac Kata Kid Acne Lovepiepenbrinck Malarky Mobstr Mr.Farenheit Nemo Saki and Bitches Stinkfish

Graffoto Round Up Of The Year – Pt 3

HowAboutNo rashly promised FOUR picture-rich blog posts to review what was up on London’s streets and alleyways in 2011, so I thought I’d contribute something at this stage covering the Summer months, mainly because with our productivity we might not complete this magnus opus until Dec 2012. Dr D was present and correct throughout 2011, […]

Saki and Bitches Stewy's Stencils

Saki And Bitches – Tokyo Lady Chatterely

London,30 Sept–7th Oct, 2011 all photos: NoLionsInEngland One of the joys of wandering the tarmac’t gallery of London’s outdoor artists is finding a new talent, an artist with an un-familiar signature getting up in a novel and unique style. One evening over a year ago, skirting around old street roundabout I spied a paste up […]