Banksy Festival

Cans2 Recycled Revisited

One of the unique charms of London’s art galleries is their enlightened welcome of members of the public who can add their own enhancements to the displayed works and correct the principal artist’s shortcomings. Actually no but in the case of the Leake Street tunnel there ain’t no stopping anyone with a spray can getting […]

Art Show Review Festival

Alphabet Soup – The Cans 2 Letter Hunt

I haven’t seen any comment anywhere else so I am begining to wonder if I am reading too much into the letters in the tunnel! Anyway, without doubt the Cans tunnel has a Hunt The Thimble game involving each letter of the alphabet, I have only found 23 – could someone return the E, the […]

Banksy Festival

Cans Recycled Opens

Leake Street tunnel re-opened this morning to reveal a lush kaleidoscope of freehand spray graffiti and ensemble of burnt out cars. Crowd control barriers not required this time – no crowds! No ice cream vans, no posters, not even any staff, just a no-fuss “ok, at your leisure look at what we’ve done this time” […]


Cans Recycled – First Peek

Off the back of a bogus tip off on one of the more decidely dodgy streetart forums this morning, myself and nolions hot footed over the Lower Marsh for a “Banksy print release”…… no surprise that it turned out to be complete and utter bollocks, we at least got a sneaky peak over the barriers […]

Banksy Festival

Cans Festival – One More Sniff

Remember how news of the Cans Festival broke to us common plebs last May? Some posters, a list of artists too incredible to believe? In just 5 days time? Well, now we have a new mystery: What could it be? Some have talked of something fresh, some have talked of The Grand Buff (actually I […]