Art Show Review Street Art

2023 London International Pasteup Festival

Review of the 2023 London International Pasteup Festival held September on numerous non permissioned walls around Shoreditch and Brick Lane

The Year In Review

2022 Shoreditch Street Art

Best of Shoreditch’s 2022 street art including murals, stencils, paste ups and sculptures from Ed Hick, Nylon, Cranio, CPWon, Otto Schade and many others

Street Art

Pride Street Art In Shoreditch

  Last weekend marked London’s main 2022 Pride celebration and a lot of new street art appeared in Shoreditch in celebration of and support for the LGBTQ community. On the Shoreditch Street Art Tour on Sunday I was asked by one guest why the London Pride was in July rather than June as they were […]

Street Art

London International Pasteup Festival Review

The history of street art is a complex story whose content varies depending upon author, location, editorial preferences for a “creation” date and people’s differing actual lived experiences. The early phase of its ripping away from graffiti was for many reasons dominated by stencilism and the significant role of the paste-up technique is easily overlooked. […]

Street Art

Street Art For Strange Times

You didn’t think a killer virus was going to stop street artists did you? Shoreditch witnessed an outpouring of street art addressing the Covid 19 pandemic from a number of angles. It’s amazing what a street artist could achieve with that one hour outdoor exercise license non-shielding people had during lockdown! Thank You NHS, Artist […]

Art Show Review

Subdude Show and Tell

Subdude Show Monty’s Bar, Brick Lane September 19th – October 10th (extended) In the politically fucked up dysfunctional times the UK finds itself in now, those days before the June 2016 Brexit Referendum seem like a period of almost benign stability. Well, apart from austerity, working family poverty, rising foodbank dependency, zero hours contracts, government […]

Street Art

Brexit Street Art

This evening the UK’s parliament voted to show that they had not changed their mind since December on a withdrawal agreement that hadn’t changed since December. This leaves the country up shit creek, a situation that hasn’t changed since, well, several years ago. Street artists have not been impressed with the political process over the […]