
Southend City Jam 2024

When you are spoilt for choice of Street Art festivals but have limited time, you must choose wisely.  The annual Southend Festival Jam has evolved into one of the most intense and largest street art spraypainting orgies.  The quality of artwork certainly rewards the daytrip from London.  A fair old chunk of the afternoon was […]

Street Art

Shoreditch Connectivity – A Big New Mural

Shoreditch street art is a little bit different, in many ways and for many reasons, it just is. One aspect in which Shoreditch however may be a bit off the pace is the gargantuan mural. The social media feeds of many brilliant photographers of street art from around the world are full of truly epic […]


Meeting Of Styles UK 2014

all photos NoLionsInEngland except HowAboutNo where stated Meeting Of Styles is an international celebration of the art of the spraycan, graffiti and music. Since 2002 Meeting Of Styles spraycan art jams have taken place in 16 countries. Last weekend it was the turn of Shoreditch to host the Meeting Of Styles UK 2014 event. Billed […]

Street Art

Is Street Art Dead?

all photos: NoLionsInEngland I come to praise street art not to bury it. If that gives away my answer to my own question fear not, for purpose of dramatic suspense the best is still saved till last. There are a myriad variety of ways I can cycle across London from home in the West to […]

Art Show Review

Shades Of Things To Come

feat ARYZ, BISER, BOM.K, DOES, NYCHOS, PROBS, RABODIGA, TIZER Maverik ShowroomRedchurch St, London25th – 29th (Sunday!) November 2009 All photos: NoLionsInEngland When Probs23, laden with experience of putting on shows at The Dragon Bar (RIP) and a little black book filled with phone numbers of some the World’s best graff writers, not to mention the […]


The Ti(des)zer…They Are A Changing? ?

A fairly prominent wall in Shoreditch, almost a whole building ‘taken out’. . . HA and ID crews in attendance…. Buffed by the trigger happy council boys like everything else? Who knows! But by christ if this is the shape of the future state of Shoreditch, I like it!