Aida Wilde’s banner based print show in Bethnal Green Road celebrates female unity and International Women’s Day
NFT Street Art In Shoreditch
NFT Street art makes debut in Shoreditch – notions of ownership and enjoyment revolutionised
London Mural Festival 2024
London Mural Festival 2024 visited photographed and described
Shepard Fairey Does Shoreditch
Shepard Fairey’s contribution to Shoreditch street art from 2007 – present day reviewed
Banksy London Zoo Breakout
Banksy stencilling one image a day for 9 days in widely spread spots in London, with no clues to the idea, theme or message until the final reveal on day 9
2024 Pasteup Festival
4th edition of London International Pasteup Festival in Brick Lane with contribution from all over the world and lots of cats
Southend City Jam 2024
When you are spoilt for choice of Street Art festivals but have limited time, you must choose wisely. The annual Southend Festival Jam has evolved into one of the most intense and largest street art spraypainting orgies. The quality of artwork certainly rewards the daytrip from London. A fair old chunk of the afternoon was […]
Banksy London Zoo Escape
Banksy Gardening Tips
Photos and analysis of new street art by Banksy in North London stencilled man with garden sprayer paints wall green behind pruned tree
Invader Space Station Paris 2024
Review of Space Invaders’ conversion of a multi storey car park into a multi level art game
A Sign From Banksy
Banksy is in the news again, who’d have thought? For the benefit of anyone dwelling beneath something hard and rock like, an image of three drone missiles appeared on a STOP sign at a road junction in Peckham, South London, acknowledged as a genuine Banksy on Banksy’s instagram. What made this Banksy particularly newsworthy was […]
Brickflats Newbuilds
artist Brickflats displays his solid blocks in a shopfront tower in London’s soho
Paris Street Art – Part Deux
Pasteups, sculptures and other street art spotted in Paris. Hardly a mural in sight.
Flashes of Space Invader
Space Invader hunting in London with the Flash Invader app
Review of the 2023 London International Pasteup Festival held September on numerous non permissioned walls around Shoreditch and Brick Lane