Graffiti Street Art

Cept Hits Sclatter Street. . .With a vengance!

Fairly hot on the heels of the new Eine going up (it may have even been at the same time) This new piece by Cept went up on his fave spot in East London. Am gutted that I haven’t documented the spot better than I have as there has been some amazing stuff over the […]

Art Show Review

Stef Launches a new print. .

And my first mention of him on here. This lad is definitely going places. Will be good to see his stuff on the streets too one day. “Rush Hour” Prints are pre released today and due to be sent out end of next week at the bargain price of £50. Stef’s previous stuff has […]

Street Art

More from Mr Neate

Blown away. . .and I still havent been to see it in the flesh. Am scared I’ll be speechless afterwards so I’ll post these up now!

Street Art

Eine – Scary

Scary is how quickly he finished it. . . it was all still outlines yesterday afternoon. This quote from the man himself ( from ) “So 3 weeks ago i started a new painting and finally after more problems then i care to share its done, all morning climbing up and down ladders using […]

Street Art

Sweet Toof & Cyclops in the street. . .and canals…and everywhere else

Art Show Review Uncategorized

Adam Neate

I really cant wait to see this show in the flesh. The stories have already been told far and wide of how ridiculous the buy to sell market is flooding the street art (call it what you want) market. Where will it all end? (and I really stopped caring for being mad about chasing the […]

Art Show Review Banksy

Banksy vs Warhol exhibition

Have been waiting ages for this, and thankfully I won’t have to wait too much longer. 10 August – 1 September 2007 A face to face show of classic drawings and paintings by Andy Warhol set against the infamous graffiti work of Banksy. Campbell’s or Tesco? Grace Kelly, Muhammad Ali, Winston Churchill, Mick Jagger, Queen […]

Street Art

CopyRight – Signs of the Times. . .

Cant beleive it’s taken me this long in to mention my fave street splasher (and boy does he splash!) He has a new print out soon to go with his new batch of amended street signs.Check out his pics @ his website @

Street Art

Update on Shit Shutter. . .

It’s getting no better. Have been told it is occupied by squatters and they are using it as a “street window gallery”. . . This’ll go on and on. Word also has it that a certain Pink Fiend may have an itchy painting finger 🙂

Street Art

Jef Rocks My Aer (o) Sol

Have known the name for a while, but never properly checked out Jef until his recent bout of paste ups. Amazingly simple and simply amazing . . . .(pass me the sick bag after that large dose of cheese please stewardess) His website: And his Flickr Pics:

Street Art

Piss Holes in the Snow. . .

Well, on Old Street for now at least. I first saw these things in Amsterdam about 5 or 6 years ago, they rolled them out “for ze tourishts at ze veekend” and then rolled away and things back to relative normality (In Dam at least) for Monday morning. So just outside the Police station (at […]

Art Show Review

Found Was Friggin Fabulous

Last nights “Found” show at The Leonard Street Gallery was simply amazing. mentioned earlier last week it featured scores of artists, most of whom had produced new versions of old stuff specially for the show, and also included older (and more expensive mostly) pieces from the likes of Obey and Nick Walker amongst others. Asbestos […]


If at first you don’t Faile, Faile and Faile again. . .

Faile have always been masters of utilising the same spot when they hit up around East London (and Everywhere for that matter) so it’s always nice that for the most part their stuff stays intact in readiness for when they next pay us a visit. So it saddens me when a good spot goes like […]


It’s a mini Eine Assault…..

That’s actually not that mini any more 🙂 Shutters going up left right and centre (at the rate of about 2 a week I think, and thats just what I’m seeing) and so soon after the impressive Vandal piece comes……the amazing “SC” To be updated upon….at least I am hoping he does 🙂


Asbestos Site Update

This happend just over a week ago now, but as on the ball as ever follows my update 😉 The amazing, the wonderful…… Asbestos