Art Show Review

Krah World at Pure Evil Gallery

Pure Evil Gallery, 108 Leonard St., London.22 May – 3 June (I think) 2008 The Krah, which is Greek for the corruption of civilisation, has been mystifying sober adults and scaring babies for many years on the streets of London. Typically the street stuff is half bloated machine, half organic being with infinitely flexible bendy […]

Street Art

Monday Update. . . .

Mighty Mo’s Monkey is cropping up in an amazing array of places….well actually not that amazing as they are nearly always on top of a train bridge, but placement and execution are second to none, all done with a roller and a very long pole. Parked my car IN FRONT of this billboard a few […]

Street Art

It’s Still a MysterY To MME

I have often wondered if Eine is actually spelling anything out in placing his letters along our thouroughfares, from his latest spat of shutter realted daubery (at least in the order I have spotted them) here is what he has spelt so far : So, seemingly bugger all…unless it’s really subliminal?!

Banksy Festival Street Art

Banksy, No Lions, Eelus Group Show

Or Cans Festival: you created a monsterWords: NoLionsInEngland; pictures NoLions, Howaboutno  Foreword – Cans Festival (the bits that make sense of where this post is coming from):Cans Festival – the first preview night visitCans Festival – Let Us Spray – what went on in Banksy’s pet project, the public access spray zone The gauntlet was […]

Banksy Street Art

Cans Festival – Let Us Spray

Popped down to the third and final day of Cans Festival, this time with a mission to get past the security and get some photos on the exit ramp where all the un-billed artists could rock up and spray. Conning my way past with a few stencils in my mitts, the results of this mass […]


Cans Festival

Leake St, 3 May – 5 May 2008 words/pictures: nolionsinengland. LA got its elephant in the room (has anyone else noticed the “Elephant In The Room” drawing added to, curious since everything else on his site is publicly seen work), Notting Hill had the rats, Waterloo’s tunnel hosted possibly the finest selection of global […]

Art Show Review

Blam – Die!!! Spraycan

Blam Solo Exhibition New Cross Gallery 1 May – 24 May In the world of graff art, few pieces achieve a wider recognition beyond hardcore wall spotting fetishists but one piece known to many otherwise dis-interested Londoners is the Oscar The Grouch on a wall in Shoreditch. photo: HowaboutnoCredit for this enduring and council-preserved piece […]

Art Show Review

Have You Ever Smelt Marianne Faithful? ?

No photos. Pin back your eyelids and try reading some words for a change. Howaboutno and Nolions rocked up to the premier of Joy Division by Grant Gee, courtesy of an email passed on from an obviously nameless mutual friend and photoshopped to look like addresssed to us. Two immediate questions, why London not Manchester […]

Street Art

What a Difference a Couple of Weeks Make. . .

15.04.08 It was bound to happen…..especially in the middle of Hackney 28.04.08

Street Art

Christ Strike A Light, It’s Monday…And Here’s An Update!

Here is a new laugh for you… I’m going to turn this into a daily update. Ahahahahahahahaha. Maybe. Nuff said.

Street Art

Cancer Sell Street Art Tour

The freezing temperatures and shitty smells of Hoxton, Shoreditch and Brick Lane are readily tolerated by vandals going about their clandestine work on walls so a little dank mist and a few squally showers weren’t going to deter a hardy group of walkers in search of graffiti enlightenment and soul purifying charity support. Photo: HowAboutNo […]


Ahead of The Git

Stopped on my bike on the way home this evening to snap some rooftop stuff. It has been there for ages, its on a pretty fast and hectic stretch of road, the Euston Road just before the underpass. Scientific measurements by journalists last year proved this is the shittiest, most polluted bit of road in […]

On My Travels Street Art

Toronto Graffiti – Wild Times

Toronto is a grey place. Grey skies, grey buildings, grey lake, grey roads, grey people. When the sun un-expectedly burst through the clouds I grabbed my camera and went looking for a bit of wall colour. I found brickloads, in a system of alleyways just south of Queen St West, between Spadina and Portland. Tons […]

Art Show Review

Alternative Philosophies

Feat: Anton Unai, Marok, Jaybo, Andy Howell, Daniel Tagno, Ala Ebtekar, Kill Pixie, Bortusk Leer, Antonio Diaz The Leonard Street Gallery 18 Apr – 22 May A kaleidescope of art and entertainment opportunities within spraying distance of eachother meant a hectic night on Thursday 17 April. Cargo for Nick Walker was obviously going to be […]


Church Street Graf Area

For a couple of years we’ve been meaning to check out this space, walking home in a celebratory mood after watching United steal a 2-1 win from the Gooners it just seemed like a good thing to do. The London Frontline collective/Mighty Mo is the most obvious stuff seen from the top of any passing […]