Street Art


Photos: NolionsinEngland except Brandalism where noted On Tuesday evening (writing on Thursday) news came through of a fresh Paul Insect piece on Hackney Rd, too late to grab a photo but never mind, there’s always Wednesday. Later that night a web link took me to the slick, well laid out website of anti corporate advertising […]

Graffiti On My Travels Street Art

Reykjavik Writing and Street Art

VNA Issue 19 (July 2012) has a glorious 7 page photo spread of graff from Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, shot by me on my first visit there a short while ago. The photo features the local stars of the graff scene as well as one or two illustrious visitors. The mag is available in many disreputable […]

Street Art

Word On The Streets Is….

All photos: NolionsInEngland Fate conspired to stop me pressing the shutter release on any camera for 9 whole days until yesterday lunchtime. It was nothing in particular, nothing special, just a bundle of things from the normal routine of life that cuts perpendicular across a passion for street art and graff. Yesterday lunchtime every surface […]

Graffiti Street Art

Fuck Street Art – this year’s model

Photos: NolionsInEngland except HowAboutNo where stated. Every year throws up it’s street art hating graffiti purist, thankfully 2012’s has arrived early. Malarky, Lucas & feat Kamba Malarky, Lucas, Mr Penfold and co are clearly guilty of wantonly putting up sweet and bright painted walls and shutters all over Shoreditch and someone, step forward Kamba, resents […]

Street Art

Felice Varini – Cardiff Bay

Photos: NolionsInEngland except: Tracy Lee Stum, Creative Tempest, iJuliAn, cgr v2.0 Tis the season to reminisce and having just past the shortest day of the year my bones fondly recall the warmth of a gorgeous late Summer’s day in Cardiff when I came across a stunning piece of “trick of the eye” art by Felice Varini. The technical […]

Banksy Street Art

Banksy Loves Liverpool

photos: NoLionsInEngland except where noted It has been a while since Graffoto’s last penetrating insight into walls damaged by Banksy. Those Banksy posts were easily mistaken as springing from passion for street art when in fact the intention was to publicize Shellshock’s brilliant gift sized tome “Banksy Locations and A Tour” which is currently available […]

Street Art

Evol @ Smithfield Market

All photos Howaboutno and Nolionsinengland as indicated Graffoto are pretty sure that this is the first actual stencil piece in London by German artist Evol and it’s great to see one in the flesh finally. Howaboutno NoLionsInEngland Howaboutno He actually uses both stencils and also paste ups (in this case just stencils with a spot […]

On My Travels Street Art

Os Gemeos Found Un-Harmed

All photos by nolionsinEngland Greece is a battered country; battered by economic penury, politicians that can’t be trusted, lack of a properly functioning tax collection mechanism, corruption, cronyism, nepotism and that’s just for starters. If there is one thing the Greeks haven’t wasted money on it’s The Buff. Every highway fence, roadside kiosk, every shop […]

Banksy Street Art

k-Guy & Occupy vs Greedy Bankers

All photos: NoLionsInEngland A decent target and a good idea is all the motivation K-Guy requires for another politicised barb delivered through the medium of stencilled street art. Bankers and politicians are frequently a target for K-Guy and as usual, he delivers a simple message with exquisite timing and placement. Spraypaint,Carpet (quality: Eastern European municipal […]

Banksy Street Art

Something Interesting About Banksy, Really!

all photos: NoLionsInEngland except where noted Central London today saw a truck decorated by Banksy coming out of obscurity and into the full glare of the popular art commodity market. Banksy comes in for a fair amount of criticism for being a stencil artist and therefore not doing hardcore freehand schizz or just lacking can […]

Art Show Review Street Art

Saki And Bitches – Tokyo Lady Chatterely

London,30 Sept–7th Oct, 2011 all photos: NoLionsInEngland One of the joys of wandering the tarmac’t gallery of London’s outdoor artists is finding a new talent, an artist with an un-familiar signature getting up in a novel and unique style. One evening over a year ago, skirting around old street roundabout I spied a paste up […]

Street Art

God Help Us – It’s Ronzo

all photos: NoLionsInEngland Slightly disappointed with the location of this one. My first reaction was this should be located somewhere that spoke more of the nearby Square Mile of profit hungry soul destroyers. Instead, it’s pretty much at the entrance to the yard housing his studio, a fact he can hardly hide given the number […]

Street Art

Curly – Sticking It Up ‘em

London has witnessed a surge in statement based illegal art in the past year or so, not just letters or mere words but often whole sentences and even punctuation. Elbow Toe scribbled haikus; Mobstr stencilled witty check lists; Ron English pasted up dis-embodied private secrets in speech bubbles and thought balloons. There has even been […]

Street Art

New Ron English/NoLionsInEngland Collab Revealed

all photos: NoLionsInEngland I have always been repelled by Ron English’s udder-rich pop coloured studio work, few exceptions barely worth mentioning. Moving that studio art out onto the streets doesn’t change my mind – see Camo boy from 2008. Even his inclusion in CANS with what looked like paste ups seemed a bit odd. Ron […]

Graffiti Street Art

Day Off Urbexing

So, I had a rare free day planned a week in advance to go to a few abandoned sites around East Sussex – namely a closed technical college on the sea front. . . And then on to a long closed private school in the countryside Now whilst on these trips I do expect to […]