“Grace” ALO BSMT Space, Dalston 15 October – 1 November 2020 In an urban landscape where portrait street painters are overwhelmingly drawn to either the technical proficiency of photorealism or its diametric opposite cartoonery, ALO’s expressionist fisogs stand out! Dalston 2020 His street art career started with small paste ups in 2011 and […]
Category: Art Show Review
disCONNECT: 1 house 10 artists
DisCONNECT South London 24 July – 24 August 2020 Crunching up the gravel drive to a flight of steps leading to a house in a posh terrace set back from leafy Clapham Common, we peered through white double doors in an anonymous raised ground floor entrance. As a setting for a cutting edge […]
Jamie Reid – Taking Liberties
Taking Liberties! Jamie Reid political work 1970 – 2020 Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury London WC1N 1JD Opened March 6th, extended to end April Jamie Reid is the activist artist who is probably best known in popular culture as the artist behind the Sex Pistols album artwork. The Horse Hospital in London has a retrospective exhibition […]
Winter Lights 2020
Winter Lights Canary Wharf, London 16th – 25th January 2020 Dark nights and biting cold make classic ingredients for some light art so off to Winter Lights at Canary Wharf, selfie heaven in the form of 26 sculptures. Affinity, Amigo and Amigo & S1T2 Starting with our favourite, Constellation is part Dr Who theme tune […]
My Dog Sighs – Crylong
CRYLONG Nelly Duff 156 Columbia Rd, London E2 7RG 8TH – 14TH Nov 2019 My Dog Sighs has a London solo show at Nelly Duff, well overdue after a long gap since his last London solo show. This photorealistic extraordinaire has steadily built up a broad array of impressive street art styles, most famous of […]
Gross Domestic Product Croydon 30 September – 13th October 2019 London Art Week was earlier this month and one thing we have come to rely upon is it getting trumped by a Banksy event. The big news that crossed over into the mainstream media from Art Week was a new Banksy Auction record of £10million […]
Shepard Fairey Facing The Giant
StolenSpace, Osborn St, London The Residency, Whitby St, London October 5th – October 31st Update: The Residency portion of the show has closed but a section of the art has been consolidated at StolenSpace and remains on show until the end of November. Shepard Fairey has visited London and a confetti of stickers, some major […]
Subdude Show and Tell
Subdude Show Monty’s Bar, Brick Lane September 19th – October 10th (extended) In the politically fucked up dysfunctional times the UK finds itself in now, those days before the June 2016 Brexit Referendum seem like a period of almost benign stability. Well, apart from austerity, working family poverty, rising foodbank dependency, zero hours contracts, government […]
Banksy’s most spectacular painting to date is on display at Sotheby’s Bond St, London HQ and beautifully staged it is too. Banksy Devolved Parliament (photo 2019) Devolved Parliament is being auctioned this week when London opens its galleries, museums and park tents to its annual international art week. This painting first appeared in public in […]
ODDO, MCLN, Savant and DaddyStreetFox Monty’s Bar 49 Brick Lane; London 11th July – 25th July 2019 ODDO and fellow street artists Savant, MCLN and Daddy Street Fox have a group show at Monty’s Bar and it is fascinating to see what they get up to when freed of some of the “issues” or perhaps […]
Atom Gallery 127 Green Lanes, Stoke Newington, London N16 9DA 18 May – 8 June 2019 Anti consumerism and anti advertising has been a street art staple street art since day dot. In 2017 black and white paste ups started to appear around Shoreditch with fully formed views on these subjects and they looked awesome. […]
Diane Arbus: In The Beginning Kader Attia: The Museum Of Emotion Hayward Gallery, London 13 Feb – 6th May 2019 I visited two exhibitions by accident recently. I wanted to see Diana Arbus at the Hayward but the admission price covered a second exhibition, The Museum Of Emotion by French artist Kader Attia. Kader Attia […]
Take Back Control Group exhibition curated by Bryden and Ellie Pennick The Crypt Gallery, Euston Rd, Kings Cross London NW1 2BA 14 – 24 March 2019 The Crypt under St Pancras Church, an appropriately gloomy yet incredibly photogenic spot, hosts a look back on the role British newspapers played in the 2016 Brexit referendum campaign […]
Winter Lights Canary Wharf
Canary Wharf January 15th – 26th 5pm – 10pm Lights! Cameras! Action!! We love the Winter light fests that seem to be becoming increasingly common. This year, rather than get wedged in the crowds at the West End spectaculars we schlepped all the way out to Canary Wharf (involuntary shiver) for the 2019 Winter Lights […]
Mid Nite Crisis 14 – 22nd December 2018 Rocket Barber Shop 118 Stoke Newington High St, London N16 7NY Sweet Toof, East London’s legendary dental illustrator is back for a show in the unlikely surroundings of a North London barber shop cellar. The unorthodox location heaves with canvasses, prints and bizarre objects. Knick knacks with […]