Street Art

Stef: French Artist Gets Churchillian On Us

England based French artist Stef (also friend of this blog and LINK DELETED) sends a very Anglo-Saxon message to folk in Shoreditch, London. On close inspection, the installation appears to be a glazed twice-fired stoneware hand. The background is the junction of Willow St and Great Eastern Road where a very large group of people […]

Street Art

The Krah – Got His Shizzle On Lock Down. . .

The Krah continuing to confuse both art theives and council buff squads, and managing to remain the longest lived pieces on the streets at the moment. Only a matter of time before others follow his lead surely?

Street Art

K-Guy – Under The Mattress Banking

Northern Rock had a run, house prices fell off the cliff, Lehman Brothers went to the wall and we all suddenly became bank owners as the government miraculously suddenly found billions and billions of quid to bale out the banks. This pisses K-Guy off, and he likes a rant and a rave and taunts hypocrisy, […]

Street Art

Faile Today, Gone Tomorrow

Buffed/Stolen by this time tomorrow….now which bookmakers will take that bet on? ?

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting . . . .

Loving the new Grafter street works. You can definately see his style evolving with each outing and more and more details being added to the simple but elegant one layer stencils that made him famous. His studio work seen recently at the Urban Angel “Corked” show, and then small outing at the recycled Cans Festival […]

Street Art

Hot or Wot

My fave of the current Know Hope pieces on the street at the minute. Thankfully this one has been left alone.

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting. . . .

The Krah repainted a spot on the wall of The Foundry over the weekend and brought a new friend with him this time. Going by the name of “Fors” we’ll be seeing lots Mors very soon!

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting. . . .

I am still undecided with what I’ll call this occasional style of updates…of which I have kidded my self will be daily (when I struggle to even get the time to make it weekly!) I mostly intended to just highlight stuff that makes me smile on my way to work, I think the problem becomes […]

On My Travels Street Art

Greek Missus and Leg-ends: Athens Graf pt II

The Parthenon, democracy, any song by Demis Roussos, this post about Athenian graffiti – one thing they all have in common is they never seem to get finished. Well here is part two, part one is either a little bit lower down the page or here. Thanks to its intractable bureaucracy where even a simple […]

On My Travels Street Art

It’s All Greek To Me: Athens Pt 1

Over many years as London’s ambassador to Athen’s tavernas and bars, I have had the pleasure of observing quite a large amount of graffti, regrettably nearly always from the windows of taxis (when Athens taxis are moving it’s best to keep your eyes closed, thankfully they also spend a lot of time stationary). On my […]

Street Art

Rule Of The Renegade

It’s a generally well known rule that graffiti taggers don’t go over eachother’s pieces unless the intent is a very public show of that charged notion of lack of Respect. Frenchman C215 burst into the wider UK street-art consciousness with an array of sumptious portrait stencils in March this year and he was invited back […]

Street Art

Cut Up Collective

I haven’t seen too much stuff from the Cut Up Collective, until now…… And boy was it worth the wait! There is word via their own site ( ) about a month long event in the area, so hopefully I will spot loads more before it ends as they are simply amazing. The collective […]

Street Art

Ozzie Update

Further happenings on the strange picture of “Ozzie” left in the streets of London. There was a code on the back which the finder was instructed to email to which then prompts you to send your postcard back to them, with a promise of being contacted very soon. A week and a bit later, […]

Street Art


If you take two weeks out to get all hot and bothered chasing Athens graffiti on the back of a Vespa and stop keeping an eye on them, people will get mischievous. Councils have seriously stepped up their buffing campaign and artists have suffered irresistible urges to spray, marker pen and wheatpaste on the walls. […]

Festival Street Art

Meeting of Styles ’08

Why is it the best events are always the ones you don’t know a thing about?! The Meeting of Styles was going on as we took a random walk round the back of the “trains in the air” wall to see if there was any update to the progress of Fridays half painted out ATG […]