
The Ti(des)zer…They Are A Changing? ?

A fairly prominent wall in Shoreditch, almost a whole building ‘taken out’. . . HA and ID crews in attendance…. Buffed by the trigger happy council boys like everything else? Who knows! But by christ if this is the shape of the future state of Shoreditch, I like it!

Street Art

The Krah – Got His Shizzle On Lock Down. . .

The Krah continuing to confuse both art theives and council buff squads, and managing to remain the longest lived pieces on the streets at the moment. Only a matter of time before others follow his lead surely?

Art Show Review

Attention Spam – Hong Kong Happenings

ATTENTION SPAM – 14 November – 10 December Cyclops, D*Face, David Bray, Vesna Parchet & Word to Mother Schonei Main Gallery21-31 Old Bailey StreetCentral Hong KongMON – SAT 10.30am – 6.30pm A special blog post and props going out to our friend and fellow blogger Selph ESP for what looks like it will be […]

Street Art

Faile Today, Gone Tomorrow

Buffed/Stolen by this time tomorrow….now which bookmakers will take that bet on? ?

Art Show Review

Cept Vs. Mike Ballard – Where You End, I Begin

Am really looking forward to this one, a long wait for a solo show from Cept and hopefully gonna be well worth the wait! It’s been seriously quiet from Cept on the streets, so thats got me really excited for what he has been tucked away and creating. He’ll be releasing a print of the […]

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting . . . .

Loving the new Grafter street works. You can definately see his style evolving with each outing and more and more details being added to the simple but elegant one layer stencils that made him famous. His studio work seen recently at the Urban Angel “Corked” show, and then small outing at the recycled Cans Festival […]


Cans Recycled – First Peek

Off the back of a bogus tip off on one of the more decidely dodgy streetart forums this morning, myself and nolions hot footed over the Lower Marsh for a “Banksy print release”…… no surprise that it turned out to be complete and utter bollocks, we at least got a sneaky peak over the barriers […]

Street Art

Hot or Wot

My fave of the current Know Hope pieces on the street at the minute. Thankfully this one has been left alone.

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting. . . .

The Krah repainted a spot on the wall of The Foundry over the weekend and brought a new friend with him this time. Going by the name of “Fors” we’ll be seeing lots Mors very soon!

Street Art

Diggs We Are Shitting. . . .

I am still undecided with what I’ll call this occasional style of updates…of which I have kidded my self will be daily (when I struggle to even get the time to make it weekly!) I mostly intended to just highlight stuff that makes me smile on my way to work, I think the problem becomes […]

Banksy Book Review

Untitled – Street Art In The Counter Culture

Following on nicely from the Banksy street piece held by Andipa mentioned in the post below, a picture of it features on the cover of an absolutely brilliant new retrospective book on the worldwide culture of street art. Entitled “Untitled – Street Art in The Counter Culture” (hence the clever title of this post 😉Also […]

Art Show Review

Cancer Sell Charity Art Sale

98 Leonard Street, London EC1. 6pm ’til 11pm Free Entry! Cancer Sell is almost upon us! With the quality of the artwork that has come in in the last few days, the organisers have been as pleased as punch and are really looking forward to putting on a great show. There is so […]


Cept Update

I knew it would be worth waiting a while to update on the lushness that is painted by Cept……actually, that’s a complete lie, I didn’t have a clue quite what was gonna happen in the last month and a bit around his usual Sclatter Street wall. It had been in this guise below, fairly suitably […]

Street Art

Cut Up Collective

I haven’t seen too much stuff from the Cut Up Collective, until now…… And boy was it worth the wait! There is word via their own site ( ) about a month long event in the area, so hopefully I will spot loads more before it ends as they are simply amazing. The collective […]

Street Art

Ozzie Update

Further happenings on the strange picture of “Ozzie” left in the streets of London. There was a code on the back which the finder was instructed to email to which then prompts you to send your postcard back to them, with a promise of being contacted very soon. A week and a bit later, […]