“Cancer Sell” is an event that is being staged to raise funds primarily from the contribution of art works given by the artists on Flickr. I am doing all I can to help out a friend that I met through the site to make the night and the fund raising total a big success. Thanks […]
Mode2 – Never Too Late
Laz Gallery, Greek Street, 4 April – 2 May Thursdays, perfect for a night to seek sensory stimulation, art and free beer. Tonight’s cultural oddessy started at Cargo gardens for live charity painting by Bristol Graff legends and 1980s Banksy contemporaries Inkie, Cheba, Cheo and Lokey. We watched and sniffed the spray work under progress, […]
Dragon Bar RIP
The Dragon Bar, the legendary graffiti, drinking, snogging and fighting venue passed from our lives about 4 weeks ago. An effort had been made to torch the place, as stunningly captured by our friend on the spot Romanywg. Photo: Romanywg The inside of the decaying, stripped out husk which previously had been such a vibrant, […]
K-Guy – News, Views and Sightings
Re-newed activity from K-Guy with the appearance of stencils and paste ups on the streets of London as well as finalising a lush new picture to be released shortly:Taking aim at synthesised chemical ridden food (see the extras on the Supersize Me DVD if you don’t believe that!) as well as cultural homogeneity, K-Guy, or […]
Cement Gallery Group Show 27 Mar – 5 Apr One of the first victims of the build-em-up-knock-em-down pump and dump street art print scene was Eelus, slagged off for knocking out large editions of the one image in too many colourways. No longer on the PoW roster having chosen to go full time and sell […]
Arofish “Scrapped” Solo Show
New Cross Gallery, 6 March – 31 March, 2008 New Cross is a place outside London, Sarf of the River. The underground doesn’t go there any more. Taxi drivers charge a fortune and get lost. On the A-Z it is in a wilderness zone marked “Beware dragyns”. The first indication of any artistic endeavour is […]
The Krah – Upcoming Show
What do we know about The Krah? Most apparently, at least to alley way loitering photographers and graff art affectionadoes, he brightens the walls (and other found objects) of London and Athens with his un-mistakable style of art, an abstract fantasy character world populated by multiple faced limb deficient organo-cyborgs. The Krah works alone or […]
Seeing as I did it last Monday, and stuff is finally hotting up (i.e. I have enough new stuff to show) Lets do this. . . . . .
Banksy Back In Tahhhhhhhhhnn Again
Between us we have managed to get a few of them, certainly turning out to be a Banksy heavy 2008 🙂
Souled Out The Leonard Street Gallery, 29 Feb – 22 MarchLets start with the artist whose share of the show has the highest quotient of street art, or perhaps beach art would be more appropriate. Mau Mau Mau Mau has gone more monumental on major themes explored in previous work, which is mainly that sound […]
The floundering efforts of two blokes with no talent or ideas of their own to copy an idea tried out by thousands of others. The mercifully brief lunchtime photo session was interupted by from time to time by proper artists Mau Mau, Beejoir and Pure Evil, who all left sniggering. NoLions’ exhibitionist streak was flaunted […]
Just a quick Monday update on street life (which may or may not become a regular “thing”)….. I think Monday is too boring a day to do it, but at the same time I hope at least one or two pieces make you smile. Firstly, Dave The Chimp with another of the now numerous pieces […]
Arofish Solo Show
A long time coming for Mr Fish this one, he should have had a solo show a very long time ago. Few can argue that his stencils are simply second to none (as witnessed a few posts back in his return to hitting up the streets of East London) So, back to his more usual […]
The Eefos of Bortusk
Viola Gallery 1a Turville St 21 Feb 2008 First, a short summary of recent street art history as background to tonight’s show. Several months ago a flutter occurred literally on the streets of London when a flock of pigeons appeared on the walls of Hoxton and Shoreditch. Thinkfly took the whole fluorescent pigeon with eyes […]