Burning Candy Dscreet Gold Peg Mighty Mo Sweet Toof Tek 33

Burning Candy – Getting High, Battering Clouds in 2010

all photos: NoLionsInEngland except Romanywg where stated One of the joys of cycling to work is chancing across fresh graff and street art. This morning, even with only half an eye for walls, rooftops and side alleyways I found two unexpected specimens of Burning Candy rooftop freshness. Firstly, thanks to a minor deviation down a […]

Burning Candy Henry Chalfant Martha Cooper Rowdy Subway Art Sweet Toof Tek 33

Subway Art 25th Anniversary Edition

I thought that as a reference book and an X-ray shot into a counter culture that generally is inclined to shun publicity, Subway Art could not be bettered. Sitting with the 30cm x 43cm 25th anniversary addition on my knees (the book – not me) I conclude that as a photograph album this new edition […]

Burning Candy Rowdy

Rowdy – Never Smile At A Crocodile

Sartorial GalleryLondon4 June – 27 June 2009 all photos: NoLionsInEngland except Romanywg where noted Burning Candy crew of Bristol and London has knack for pleasing both fans of graff and street art. A crew show in October 08 was followed in short order by a Sweet Toof solo show in Dec/January and now it’s Rowdy’s […]

Burning Candy Martin Lea-Brown Sweet Toof

Sweet Toof & Martin Lea Brown Shows

Martin Lea Brown: Fools GoldUpstairs, Sartorial Art, Kings Cross, Sweet ToofDownstairs, Sartorial Art, Both Dec 19-20 2008, Jan 13 – Feb 4 2009 All photos: NoLionsInEngland Imagine a line between the mean streets of Kings Cross and the regency drawing rooms of Fitzrovia and Bloomsbury, and somewhere along that line physically and spiritually you will […]

Burning Candy Cyclops Rowdy Sweet Toof Tek 33

Burning Candy Show

Sartorial Gallery, London15 Oct – 11th Nov 2008photos NoLionsInEngland unless stated Something of huge significance is afoot when you open your week-to-view pocket diary (luddite alert) on Monday lunchtime and find that despite clashing with an England world cup qualifier there is there is barbed wire around a Wednesday evening do. That event is the […]

Burning Candy Conor Harrington Cyclops Eine JR Mighty Mo Robert Osban Sweet Toof

Monday Update. . . .

Mighty Mo’s Monkey is cropping up in an amazing array of places….well actually not that amazing as they are nearly always on top of a train bridge, but placement and execution are second to none, all done with a roller and a very long pole. Parked my car IN FRONT of this billboard a few […]

Burning Candy Cyclops Sweet Toof Tek 33

But on a lighter note. . .

Some amazing stuff happening around the waterways as of late 🙂