2-Square Art Is Trash Binho C3 Cranio Mean MJar Pablo Delgado Rowdy Saki and Bitches Sweet Toof Xylo

Hit Shot Walls – September 2013

All photos HowAboutNo Words NoLionsInEngland We are just over halfway through October so it must be time to reminisce fondly on the street art that appeared on Shoreditch walls back in September. We can also reminisce on the good old days when the part of Graffoto wandering round with a camera would let the part […]

Dark Cloud Gold Peg Martin Lea-Brown Milo Tchais Numskul Nylon Remi Rough Rowdy

High Roller Society Teeshirt Printing with Copyem

High Roller Society 10 Palmers Rd London E2 0SY Sat 30 June & Sun 1 Jul 2012, 1pm – 5 pm Copyem: Facebook; Tumblr All photos: NolionsInEngland This Graffoto scribe has learned a bit about various forms of printing at workshops which run by High Rollers Society gallery in East London.  As the NoLions wardrobe […]

Banksy C215 Chu Conor Harrington D*Face Evol Gaia Gold Peg Horror Jimmy C Motor Phlegm Probs Revok Roid Ronzo Rowdy Rusht Swoon

Graffoto Round Up of the Year – Part 4

Photos by HowAboutNo and NoLionsInEngland And here we have it folks, part 4 of 4 in the round up of 2011. This final look at the year now covers September all the way through to the end of December. Being that it was mild for the time of year, and there were a shed load […]

3rd Eye Boswell Cheo Crie Mr Jago Pen Rowdy Souls On Fire (SOF) Trans Pennine Nomads (TPN) Vermin (Dale (VN) Marshall)

we are merely vermin

A brief retrospective on the Souls on Fire (SOF) lads, and a special mention for Vermin who has his own show this month All photos by shellshock “If human beings were shown what they’re really like, they’d either kill one another as vermin, or hang themselves“ (Aldous Huxley) I’ve always been partial to a bit […]

Burning Candy Henry Chalfant Martha Cooper Rowdy Subway Art Sweet Toof Tek 33

Subway Art 25th Anniversary Edition

I thought that as a reference book and an X-ray shot into a counter culture that generally is inclined to shun publicity, Subway Art could not be bettered. Sitting with the 30cm x 43cm 25th anniversary addition on my knees (the book – not me) I conclude that as a photograph album this new edition […]

Burning Candy Rowdy

Rowdy – Never Smile At A Crocodile

Sartorial GalleryLondon4 June – 27 June 2009 all photos: NoLionsInEngland except Romanywg where noted Burning Candy crew of Bristol and London has knack for pleasing both fans of graff and street art. A crew show in October 08 was followed in short order by a Sweet Toof solo show in Dec/January and now it’s Rowdy’s […]

Burning Candy Cyclops Rowdy Sweet Toof Tek 33

Burning Candy Show

Sartorial Gallery, London15 Oct – 11th Nov 2008photos NoLionsInEngland unless stated Something of huge significance is afoot when you open your week-to-view pocket diary (luddite alert) on Monday lunchtime and find that despite clashing with an England world cup qualifier there is there is barbed wire around a Wednesday evening do. That event is the […]