2-Square Art Is Trash Binho C3 Cranio Mean MJar Pablo Delgado Rowdy Saki and Bitches Sweet Toof Xylo

Hit Shot Walls – September 2013

All photos HowAboutNo Words NoLionsInEngland We are just over halfway through October so it must be time to reminisce fondly on the street art that appeared on Shoreditch walls back in September. We can also reminisce on the good old days when the part of Graffoto wandering round with a camera would let the part […]

616 Ace Aida Allintha Alo C215 D7606 Dee One Gee Street Art Jo Peel Kata KGS Mobstr Obey Obit Paul Insect St8ment Sweet Toof Unga

Hit Shot Walls March 2013

All photos: NoLionsInEngland Not making any promises that this will become a regular feature but….here are some musings on and pics of street art and graffiti which happened to catch our eye around London recently. Sweet Toof and Insect knocked up some gorgeous paste ups and papered a broad swath of London’s East End. Choosing […]

Sweet Toof

Sweet Toof – Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge – A retrospective showcase by High Roller Society at The Colour Works, 117 Wallis Road, Hackney, London E9 5LN 11 August – 19 August 2012 all photos NoLionsInEngland except DaveShocko and Myriam JC Preston where stated Sweet Toof solo shows are as rare as hen’s teef. There was the curious basement outing at […]

Aida Dan Hillier dr. d Eine Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada Sweet Toof Toasters

Banger Art

13 Jun 2012 – 1 night onlythen Lovebox Festival, Victoria Park, London15 Jun – 17 Jun 2012 all photos NoLionsInEngland, except HowAboutNo where stated OK, so who’s idea was it to mash up memories of an embassy car park (Banksy, Swiss Embassy, London) with the spirit of a secret NY subway station (Workhorse et al, […]

Cept dotmasters Dscreet Gold Peg Kid Acne Milo Tchais Nychos Revok Roa Sweet Toof VIBES RT Xenz

Graffoto Round Up of the Year – Part 1

Welcome pop pickers! A post I have meant to do for the last few years on Graffoto has been a look back at the year, be it a good or a bad one. The problem in previous years was that I just always ended up leaving it too late in the holiday, my bingo wings […]

Paul Insect Sweet Toof

Sweet Toof And Paul Insect, London, 2011

Lots of fun recently quietly observing a furtive pair of artists working silently and swiftly on one of London’s less accessible rooftops. Sweet Toof and Paul Insect, London Rooftop, 2011 from NoLionsInEngland on Vimeo. It took 4 nights and about 50 litres of paint for Sweet Toof and Paul Insect to blend signature imagery in […]

Cept Sweet Toof

Cept, Sweet Toof – Backyard Colouring

all photos: NoLionsInEngland Graffoto went out hunting Swoons yesterday lunchtime, Boris Bikes for transport, cameras for the kill, separating and meeting again to cover more of the East London concrete jungle. Diddley squat, nada, nothing new, just the three recent pieces already located. However, at the last rendezvous HowAboutNo excitedly reported that a known Burning […]

Cept Dscreet Joseph Loughborough aka illjoseph Run Snoe Sweet Toof

Hackney Wicked

Hackney Wick30 July – 1 Aug 2010 Hackney Wick is bohemian, decaying, swampy and trendy though a lot of its post industrial bleakness is being surrendered to the concrete sports temples rising out of the mud and mire. Some of the resilient local artist community, 670 or so the promotional bumpf proclaims like some kind […]

High Roller Society Linocut Boy SheOne Sweet Toof

High Roller Society – Linoprinting Workshop

HIGH ROLLER SOCIETY10 PALMERS ROADLONDON E2 0SY 24 July 2010 photos: NoLionsInEngland except High Roller Society where noted. After last week’s hugely fascinating screenprinting workshop, Graffoto completed its 6 hour crafts major at High Roller Society’s linoprinting workshop. Guest demo man this week was printer, book illustrator and lecturer (among many other illustrative activities) Nick […]

Burning Candy Dscreet Gold Peg Mighty Mo Sweet Toof Tek 33

Burning Candy – Getting High, Battering Clouds in 2010

all photos: NoLionsInEngland except Romanywg where stated One of the joys of cycling to work is chancing across fresh graff and street art. This morning, even with only half an eye for walls, rooftops and side alleyways I found two unexpected specimens of Burning Candy rooftop freshness. Firstly, thanks to a minor deviation down a […]

Burning Candy Henry Chalfant Martha Cooper Rowdy Subway Art Sweet Toof Tek 33

Subway Art 25th Anniversary Edition

I thought that as a reference book and an X-ray shot into a counter culture that generally is inclined to shun publicity, Subway Art could not be bettered. Sitting with the 30cm x 43cm 25th anniversary addition on my knees (the book – not me) I conclude that as a photograph album this new edition […]

Burning Candy Martin Lea-Brown Sweet Toof

Sweet Toof & Martin Lea Brown Shows

Martin Lea Brown: Fools GoldUpstairs, Sartorial Art, Kings Cross, Sweet ToofDownstairs, Sartorial Art, Both Dec 19-20 2008, Jan 13 – Feb 4 2009 All photos: NoLionsInEngland Imagine a line between the mean streets of Kings Cross and the regency drawing rooms of Fitzrovia and Bloomsbury, and somewhere along that line physically and spiritually you will […]

Burning Candy Cyclops Rowdy Sweet Toof Tek 33

Burning Candy Show

Sartorial Gallery, London15 Oct – 11th Nov 2008photos NoLionsInEngland unless stated Something of huge significance is afoot when you open your week-to-view pocket diary (luddite alert) on Monday lunchtime and find that despite clashing with an England world cup qualifier there is there is barbed wire around a Wednesday evening do. That event is the […]

Burning Candy Conor Harrington Cyclops Eine JR Mighty Mo Robert Osban Sweet Toof

Monday Update. . . .

Mighty Mo’s Monkey is cropping up in an amazing array of places….well actually not that amazing as they are nearly always on top of a train bridge, but placement and execution are second to none, all done with a roller and a very long pole. Parked my car IN FRONT of this billboard a few […]

Cyclops Sickboy Sweet Toof

Sickboy update . . .

A few of the bits spotted in recent months, he must be busy as he has slowed down a bit (on my route at least) some of these pics are from a trip to Bristol in November. More of which will follow soon(ish)